Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Plane delayed for two hours. This of course will impact arrival time. It could take longer than two hours of course, who knows. I won't post again unless we are delayed overnight. Other than that we hope to make it to the States today but at the moment we have no more information than that.
Anyway, don't worry about us. We are okay, everyone is in good spirits and we have found a tidy hidy hole where the children won't annoy anyone. So Plenty of shops including an accesorise so I am a happy bunny.
Speak to me again at midnight...
see ya!


Sa said...

Hey sian and gang!

The joys of delays! Enjoy the shops, looking forward to hearing from you. Once I read that you have landed, I will ring your family

Sara xx

Sa said...

Hey you'll catch up about an hour in the air anyway, they pilot will stick his foot down!!!

Sa said...

while you are online, set up facebook just google facebook and join, tell steph to do the same!

Clare said...

Hi Sian!
I hope your travels go more smoothly and that you have a really wonderful time here in the States! And I hope your foot and hip are feeling better -- I read your earlier posts about hurting them while dancing. Take lots of photos if you can while you're away.

Sa said...

Guess you arrived now, we tracked your flight and it seems you got there about 4 hours late. Oh well at least you are there now! ENJOY!!! Bring me back a yankee candle!


Lorraine said...

Sian- Have a great trip- can't wait to hear all about it.
