I was asked the other day what kind of gadgets I use/like when I am crafting. It is an interesting question because I so rarely isolate what I use in those terms. They are not gadgets, they are tools and very often they are cobbled together as and when I need them.
Spinning - I use no gadgets. Except a ball winder, very useful for the centre pull ball that is so hard to achieve any other way.I have to travel to the Guild for that though as I do not posess one, and they are rather expensive really. I have read that you can do the same with a nostepinne (cheaper by far) but I don't have one of those.
Felting - love dry felting and needles are always in demand as I break them so often. Especially the fine ones which are what I use most frequently.
Knitting - I made myself some stitch markers ( and Nicole sent me some beauties) so I always use them. There is something about these cute little beady things that makes them collectable isn't it? A row counter would also come in handy :)
Crochet - I like Surina wooden crochet hooks. I have the very chunky ones but none in the finer guages. I have metal for that but there is something so pleasing about the feel of the wood. Silky almost.
Angelina Fibre - not a gadget but such a treat to have in the work basket and a little goes a very long way indeed.
I like all kinds of sheepy stuff, dragons, lions, cats, hedgehogs. And that is all I can think of at this time of night. I'm off to bed right now :)
Nos da Cariad
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by
11:32 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
So I am sittin' and knittin' and not much else. I have to rest as I am dancing on Friday at Martyn's out reach meeting and I may be dancing as part of the streetwork going on on Saturday. And if I dance on a wrenched hip I am looking at serious trouble.
The kidlings have torn upstairs apart and I don't care 'cos I can't see it. At least until tonight when I haul my sorry carcass upstairs and pass out in horror at the mayhem.
No spinning for the rest of the week! How will I live?
The good news is that V has rented Happy Feet for us to watch. At least somebody will dance today.
Posted by
7:49 PM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
There were the leftovers of a hard Saturday night in Swansea. Three truly massive men, bar room brawlers or doormen, hard to tell really and one of them had been glassed in the face. Crikey I thought, could you imagine the size of the bloke that would glass the likes of him?
Apparently though it was a woman that had attacked him and his mates were laughing at him like a pair of school girls. They thought it was hilarious. They sobered up a bit when they had to phone his mum but they were back to the giggles soon after. He took it good spirit considering his lip was in half.
I sat there with my knitting (Cobweb, yes still) and thought about how I had wanted to be a nurse when I was a young woman. Not on your life would I do the job now.
My friend was fine, just bruised. But due, we think, to the litigious society in which we now live, the doctor, despite all his many years of training would not confirm that the bone was not broken. Rest and painkillers were prescribed. If it gets worse, come back.
So no bones broken and I got two humungus rows of cobweb done. Good news all round, except for that poor brawler who got seven stitches and a flea in his ear from a tired staff nurse.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Farewell Party
Any chance we get in Church on the Move to dress up is pounced on with glee. V went as a character from the Matrix and he looked pretty good. There was an Indiana Jones complete with muddy shoes and a whip! I was very impressed. There was a Betty Boop, a Dolly Parton, a few Reservoir Dogs - looking quite alarming for such delightful young men - there was an Austin Powers - very scary, Jessica Rabbit and Steven Spielberg to name a few. And I, in a fit of nerve, went as Audrey Hepburn. Nothing like aiming high!
So on with the LBD, cigarette holder, long black evening gloves, pearls and some truly funky earrings. I darkened my hair and away to go. I think any woman in her thirties hits the spot with that look and I was pretty pleased with the effect.
Today I am off to St Annes Church to have a look at the Hobbies and Passtime exhibition. They are raising funds so might as well hand over a few bob to keep the old place going. It is a beautiful church and a landmark in the village where I grew up. I thought about taking the wheel to show. I might, might not.
Posted by
8:54 AM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday Five
1. Tea or coffee?
Depends on the time of day. First thing, breakfast and elevenses need fresh coffee. All other times require tea. Especially after meals and any other time I need a cup. I am a tea junkie.
2. Do you speak your mind?
If the occasion demands it. I am generally pretty sharp tongued and try to keep that under control.
3. What is your escape?
Reading, writing, poetry, places in my head to visualise - a walled garden or a head land by the sea being my favourites.
4. When is the last time you cried?
Last night actually. I cry often, over an astonishing array of things.
5. What are your bedtime rituals?
Heck, I'm just glad I'm going to bed. Umm. Cocoa or warm milk and honey, brush teeth, read, oblivion and if I'm unlucky, two hours later - insomnia.
Such is life :)
Posted by
9:51 AM
Labels: Friday five
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday - Love is all Around

Posted by
9:42 AM
Labels: Love is all around
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Well, That's All Over...
I'm off now to read all seven right through just to get the flow again.
Posted by
8:29 PM
Miles of Silk!
I haven't done the felt bag yet. It'll probably sit there for a bit the way a half finished project usually does. Making me feel guilty until I get tired of it and away we go in a blur of activity.
Aside from that I am slowly getting things together for the America trip. Getting quietly excited about it and in the same breath quite sad. Odd really. I am longing to go, I've always wanted to see America, but I have never been so long away from Wales since I first came to live here as a child. I will miss the whole of August. Balckberrying, harvest, such as it is with the rain we've been having. The leaves will have started to change by the time we get back and it will be the turn of the season.
How much though we will have to tell! Stephanie says that internet access is limited where they are and I must believe her. But I am hopeful that I will be able to find an internet cafe somewhere on our travels and keep the blog updated. I cannot take the wheel, cannot take too many books, no spinning, no blogging and no knitting, on the plane at least - eight hours! No knitting, what the heck am I going to do?
And I must leave my family and friends behind while I swan off into the west. Leaving behind all my attachments and addictions in one go. Oh dear...
Still, at least I've got V and the kidlings. And it will be warm. I could stand a little sun right now.
Posted by
2:50 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hello Again
The late nights chatting meant that it has taken me a day to get my sleep back!
I was particularly pleased with the dance, considering that I have not taught for at least a year and it is utter chutzpah on my part to lead a dance class as I am not a dancer. But people started moving in worship and that was just wonderful.
I got a fair bit of spinning done too as we gathered in the main room together and no one minded that I quietly span while the teaching went on. And I knitted up the kermit merino into a satisfactory rectangle ready for felting and lining to make into a bag. At least I will have one handmade pressie to give at Christmas time.
I wish V had not lost the camera, well, mislaid it really. But pics up soon.
Til then...ttfn
Posted by
7:54 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ffald Y Brenin
Ffald y Brenin means Fold of the King, (do check out the link - fantastic photos) It is high in the middle of the Preseli Mountains in Pembrokshire. No traffic, no noise. Just red kites (birds)and silence and the presence of God like a blanket around us. It is one of the most amazing places on Earth. I kid you not.
There is a fantastic craft room there with tons of space so I am taking the wheel and I will sit and spin , looking out at the valley below while soaking up the peace that passes all understanding and tea and biscuits in roughly equal quantities.
I am doing a teaching on spirit dance, that is - worship through dance. It has been years since I have taught. We will have to see how it goes.
Now I have packing to do and printing of notes to get going with. See you soon. Take care.
Nos da cariad
Posted by
8:54 PM
One Deep Breath - Bodies of Water
they are not supposed to fly.
Water floating by.
Posted by
7:01 AM
Labels: haiku, One deep breath
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Don't forget...
Jump Twosday over at Patois' place.
Again, another warning. Don't go if you're nervous :)
Posted by
9:36 PM
Labels: random
Spinning Day!
Finished spinning the kermit merino. Plied up quite nicely really, not perfect but good enough for rock music. Sharon is an expert felter and probably deserves the title fibre artist as she has that edge of vision which I so admire and yet lack so obviously! But she is very generous and allows me to pick her brain at any time. And for this I will take chocolate walnut brownies, which due to my recent disasters with Iolo's cookies, is all that I have the confidence to make right now.
TTFN my lovlies !
Update 21.50 same day
I didn't take brownies...or cookies. I ran out of time. But I took soup...tinned I'm afraid. I'll lose my Nigella badge if I'm not careful. Sorry Sharon, but there is always next time. After America!
Posted by
6:46 AM
Labels: A Grand Day Out, Spinning
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Okay, now I know ...What Animal I was in a Past Life
You Were a Koala |
You value living life at a slow, peaceful, meditative pace. You give insightful advice, helping others to overcome obstacles. |
Posted by
2:59 PM
Labels: OK Now I Know
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Now that is what I call a bad dream
6.30 am, not as early as most times they wake me but still. Rose wanders in sobbing
"Mummy I've had a bad dream."
Snuggle under the duvet, mop up tears...
"Tell me all about it darling."
"Well, I was swimming in the sea and an octopus grabbed me with one of his testicles."
I beg your pardon?
No, it was not a typo.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: kids
Hey, It's Sunny!
That's it. No spinning for me today. I'm off down Neath to check out what the nutters in Church on the Move are doing on the town square. See ya later!
Additional below
Went to town to help V and Uncle Daisy do some street work. The carnival was on today and town was packed. We spoke to relatively few people but the ones we did.
A drug addicted ex convict currently living rough in the old abbey until the winter at which point he normally commits some not too bad crime, gets caught and jailed through the winter to be released when the weather gets fine again.He says it suits him. Catholic boy, prays, likes God, didn't want a cup of tea or a hot meal, just wanted to say hi I think.
And the man suffering depression with his little girl on his knee, slowly and undemonstratively weeping into her hair as Daisy prayed for him.
And the wonderful woman that encouraged me so. She was profoundly disabled, partially sighted, wheelchair bound, withered arm and a speech impediment but her mind was as light and agile as a butterfly. I am happy she said. I don't need prayer. We chatted for a little while and she gave me a bag of malteasers when she left. She blessed me with more than chocolate.
We are doing another one next month, just before the American trip. Possible dancing, drums and banners. I am looking forward to it
Just remembered this covers an item in my 101 in a 1001 days : no 70
Posted by
9:56 AM
Labels: 101 things, random
Friday, July 13, 2007
Fibre Swap!
I've never done a fibre swap before.This one is organised by Spindle and Wheel, a spinning e zine but is open to fibre crafters and artists of all description; knitters, weavers, felters etc. I am plotting possible goodies to send already. What fun!
Posted by
11:28 PM
Friday Five
Here Fishy Fishy | |||
Yes, when I was three, I caught a minnow and was so revolted I never fished again 2. Do you have an aquarium? Nothing so posh, I have a goldfish in a bowl though. Her name is Elizabeth and is probably not long for this world. 3. Do you eat fish? Not really. 4. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Only a thousand times. 5. What do you think of Sushi? Cook it and I'll think about it. |
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: Friday five
A Welsh Valley in July
I had a lovely day in Cardiff yesterday with Carol, a day full of first times for me. I've never been to Lush, jeepers I walked into the store and hit a wall of mingled perfumes. What an intoxicating experience! Bought several rose scented bath bombs, a slice of orange blossom soap and a tiny pot of coffee flavoured lip balm. Yummy. Laura Ashley had a two for one sale on and two Holly Go-lightly skirts later I could no longer say that I had never shopped at Laura Ashley! It was a day of presents, suprises, fun and laughter. A wonderful day. Thankyou Carol.
Posted by
8:11 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Todays Project

It has been a while since I attempted yarn of this uniformity and thickness. As a single, it is probably a DK weight and will ply up to a chunky. I usually foul this kind of yarn up as I still have difficulty keeping the roving even as it twists, leading to slubby yarn. Which means that I usually stick to thick'n'thin "fancy" yarns (for that read lazy spinner) as I like to have something other than a foul mess for the money I have spent on roving. So far though it looks as if I am doing okay ... hey, I've only been spinning for two years gimme a break!
Posted by
1:13 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A New Game
Right, that said, when I found this, I laughed so hard in shock that I was crying. This is not something that a good Christian woman should do in this situation is it? But, if you have been reading here for any time at all, you will know by now that I foul up regularly, even spectacularly at times. Okay, enough warnings. Now... if you are so inclined then I recommend that you go to see Patois and have a laugh. I did.
Posted by
9:42 PM
Labels: New Find
Feathered Friends - ODB
The prompt for this week's haiku is feathered friends. Here is one I wrote a little while ago and had no cause 'til now to post.
Now, listen up girls -
If any foxes show up,
Turn into parsnips!
Posted by
9:09 PM
Labels: haiku, One deep breath
Monday, July 09, 2007
You know you're a knitting fool when...
Oh deary me...
Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: knitting
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Just a Bit More Yarn...
Posted by
9:40 AM
Labels: Finished project, Spinning, yarn
Cobweb Update
Actually, when I say home stretch, I mean I can see an end in sight rather than only a few more rows to go!
And after cobweb, Icarus! Ta da!!!!
Posted by
9:16 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Eight Random Facts...again
Eight more random facts about me
- By the time I was full term with my twins I had a 52"waist. I am only 60" high. Man, I was uncomfortable!
- I cannot stand wearing bracelets. I get terribly annoyed almost instantly
- My favourite colour is orange.
- I cannot dance at all. I have two left feet. But I enjoy it so much that lack of ability does not stop me.
- I can never tell jokes because even if I ever actually remember them correctly, I am normally laughing so hard at the punchline in my head that I am unable to speak.
- I wanted to be a physiotherapist when I left school but was told by my careers officer that I needed a degree in physics to do this. I believed this man and a career was lost before it had even started.
- My favourite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
- I like to eat Marmite off the spoon.
I think I will tag Nicole, Pilgrim, The Sheriff, Cherub, Angora,
and I have run out of people I can to tag so, if you are reading this and would like to play, leave a comment and I will ask you nicely okay?
Posted by
8:09 AM
From Fluff to Finished
Posted by
7:29 AM
Labels: crochet, Finished project, Spinning, yarn
Friday, July 06, 2007
Friday Five
1. What do you do?
Pretty much what I like.
2. What makes you pay attention?
"Mum! Eden's playing with your make-up!"
"You know your favourite mug? Well Lily found it and...
"Emma (best friend) has got nitsl"
"The cat's thrown up again"
3. What's your inspiration?
Right now, it's pretty thin on the ground what ever it is.
4. Do you believe in magic?
Yes, of sorts. I think a lot of things are magical. Smiles that speak volumes, familiarity, love and loving when there is little to love sometimes.
But magic of the Gandalf sort? No, I don't believe in that.
5. What is your favorite subject to write about?
The things I know about. Family, spinning, wondering...
Posted by
11:00 PM
Labels: Friday five
Another new find!
Posted by
12:25 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Thursday - Love is all Around

On one hand I hate seeing my kids dirty because I cannot bear to think of what they must have been digging around in to get so mucky and on the other I love to see them dirty because I know they have such fun getting that way.
In the 1830's little Eden would have had another three years of staying at home with Mam and then the likelihood was that she would have been sent to the works to chip iron ore for a penny a day. Thank goodness we live now rather than then.
Posted by
2:45 PM
Labels: Love is all around
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
But I think I should manage okay, which is good news all things considered. I love learning new stuff and this should keep me quiet for some time, well...maybe not quiet, but you know what I mean.
Can't do anymore tonight though so I think it is a row or two of cobweb before beddy byes.
Nos da Cariad
Posted by
10:52 PM
Light and Shadow for ODB
Dante and Beatrice
walking the tightest of ropes,
Sheol or Heaven?
Had a terrible job writing this prompt, just couldn't get it. This will have to do
For better efforts check out ODB here
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: haiku, One deep breath
Happy Independence Day!
Well America, we've had our ups and downs over the centuries, and your president is a bit odd, but I think you're wonderful - have a good one.
Posted by
7:34 AM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Busy day or wot?
Because we went to Cardiff instead and had a lovely time, (even though parking was frightful). We went to the museum, which we haven't been to in ages, I mean years now. Had lunch out, popped into a Cardiff music store in the hope that they might have something suitable but what they had instead was faintly patronising staff - no thanks.
Pootled about the Bay area and V pulled me away from Ikea by brute force. Not really... we were driving past and he refused to go in because he did not believe that I could go in for the saki bowls I've been wanting and come out with saki bowls only and not another string of fairy lights and a new rug, new throw and other pretty but fairly useless assorted tat etc. I can't think where he gets these ideas from!
Came home in good time for ballet class and on a whim dropped into Neath Music and there she was...love at first sight. Full body, swan like neck, rich timbre on her voice and she is electric too. I must have her and take her home. I couldn't at the time, but I will return to claim her soon. Mine, all mine. Photos of the new mandolin tomorrow hopefully.
Posted by
10:24 PM
Distraction Technique #152
Posted by
6:27 AM
Labels: ponderings
Monday, July 02, 2007
Oh deary me...
Did I say that retail therapy had to stop? Well colour me changeable 'cos I'm off to Bristol on the morrow with long suffering V in tow to try out a mandolin from Hobgoblin. I don't know...I've just always wanted one okay? I'm alright on the guitar, but my hands are so stupidly small ( seriously, I can just about stretch an octave on the piano) that it is very hard for me to play well. Thus I reason that a slimmer neck will suit my literally child sized hands rather better.
And this one is so funky, don't you think? It is a little more expensive than I was prepared to pay considering that I am a beginner, but well, you don't want to scrimp do you? And it can always come out of the Christmas money that my dearest MIL has promised to bestow on me, ostensibly to get a new coat ... but I wont tell her if you won't!
Nos da cariad
Posted by
11:26 PM
Labels: New Find, retail therapy, wannabe
Fantasy Fibre Order is Go!
So here it is:
- Space dyed tussah silk in seascape - destined for laceweight yarn.
- Delphinium merino wool - for Rose to have a poncho that will set off her sky eyes to perfection.
- Royal purple tussah silk - to ply with the blue black in my stash.
I didn't get the peppermint alpaca top, the bluefaced leicester humbug - very lustrous, but I'll probably get some in the Llantrisant sampling day in October and I didn't get the tussah silk in herb garden either. I really could not spend any more considering the Posh yarn order and the books I have bought from Amazon. All good things come to an end alas. Retail therapy must end here.
Posted by
5:42 PM
Labels: retail therapy, Spinning
Sleepy Kitty

Due to foul weather all outside activities are cancelled and instead a programme of spinning, knitting, vegetable soup and painting with the kidlings is scheduled - all in the company of the lovely Norah Jones. It feels like Autumn already.
Have a cozy day, stay in or take a brolly.
Posted by
7:16 AM
Labels: Zac
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Finished Object
Made from the Jacob Humbug and it took a bit more wool than I thought it would! I made it using a really simple technique to make it curly and it only took me an hour or two to do. The wool is rather coarser than I hoped it would be, I wouldn't want a jumper out of it, but it is okay for a scarf worn over a coat and it is very warm.
Posted by
9:59 PM
Labels: crochet, Finished project, yarn

Still, very happy with it and have decided that I will do Icarus in this which gives me a few more days to finish cobweb and think of an equally lovely project for the Samba yarn that I originally bought for the Icarus but somehow it just didn't gel. I think I will do something from Victorian Lace Today with it, perhaps the small shoulder wrap, but that will be sometime next year I think!
Yarn arrived on 4th July, hurrah! Really quick service Dee, thanks. And I have spun 100 per cent cashmere yarn, so I knew how soft it was going to be, but whenever I do something it never quite meets my approval. This yarn is absolutely scrumptious, it is called blueberry with good reason, it has a purple bloom running through it and it is a soft matte texture. What a pure pleasure it will be to work it. Yay!
But first Cobweb, which needs to be ripped back three rows :( and I am dreading it. The Sherriff has had such a nightmare with ripping back Kid silk and she is an expert, what's a poor moron like me supposed to do?
Posted by
6:13 PM
Labels: Icarus, retail therapy, yarn
The agony of choice
Oh what is a good girl supposed to do? Advice someone please.
The conversation goes like this...
But I haven't been to church for three weeks and am feeling the lack...but I need that yarn...but I want to go to church...but that yarn is beyond lovely...but I haven't danced in such a long time. Arrrrgh

Look at the pictures and then say you don't feel my pain.

Posted by
9:29 AM
Labels: yarn
Sunday Scribblings
What's Your Sign?
Funny this one. I nearly didn't write about it as my faith does not encourage an interest in astrology. Before I became a Christian I was full into it though and I knew a lot, I could cast charts and all sorts. I found it absolutely fascinating, the subtleties of the study.
As I became interested in the Christian faith I recognised that Deuteronomy was fairly clear - do not look to the stars for guidance. Let me be clear: there is nothing in Scripture that I can find that forbids the study of astrology, however, we are required not to rely upon it or cast our fortune upon it. I am a fundamental kind of person. If you are going to believe something then believe it with your whole heart, don't mess about. I was sorry, but willing to give it up as part of my commitment to the God that I was falling in love with and I laid it down.
I still remember a lot of the information though and when a conversation is started about astrology I join in rather than throw my hands up in horror as I have seen many Christians do. However, the fact is that if you tell me that you are a Scorpio or a Pisces...well, I know a lot about you. (Actually I have never been told by a Scorpio that they are a Scorpio, they always like you to guess, so do Capricorns) I know there is something in it and I acknowledge its accuracy and its limitations. And I do this because I know that the Lord created Heaven and Earth and all that is in it and He is not a God of confusion but of order. He sang the stars into being, in all their beauty and He set them on the paths that they tread through the sky. It is natural that there is a grace and precision that even mankind can spot.
I was born in early March and to some that makes me a Piscean. Well, I see enough of the character in me to go with that sure... and I think being a Pisces is pretty cool actually, but the fact of the matter is that I was reborn under the sign of the Cross and that means I don't have to be limited to what I want to do or what kind of person I want to be because of the position of a constellation against the sun at the time of my birth. I can be anything I want because Jesus said I can.
For additional discussion of this topic may I recommend what my dear V has to say: check it out here, it is interesting.
Posted by
8:05 AM
Labels: ponderings, Sunday Scribblings