Six hours sleep. Wow, from eleven to five. That is quite something. Mind you I was flippin' exhausted! So, perhaps a better day for me today. Things always seem insurmountable when one is sleep deprived. Now all I have to do is get some coffee and breakfast and I am off.
Last night was good fun: clothes, wine, Sharon's amazing laugh. We were laughing just listening to her. I didn't buy anything as the clothes were not my thing, rather more classic than I would wear. And V has just said that I can order the beautiful long velvet coat that they have in Nomads, so no competition really. I prefer the eccentric/flamboyant look, can you tell?

Check out Nomads here, it's a treat!
I took my crochet and did almost half of Sara's shrug, the only problem is that I think I'll need another ball of wool. I'll take a pic of the work so far and post it up later. This blog has been pictureless for rather too long I think but have found the card reader now so back to normal soon.
Have a soft, shruggable, velvety day, what ever you are doing!
THat one is £100???? And V said you can have one!!! innit?
You know, I don't usually think about how things seem so much worse when one is sleep deprived, yet it's true. (Maybe that's because I'm sleep deprived so often?) ;)
I am getting to be almost professional insomniac. It does crazy things to your brain...honestly. It's a good thing we have an attic conversion, I can go and live up there before long a la Mrs Rochester!
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