Sounds like something an otter would say doesn't it? But in fact it is in South east Alabama and has the privilege of holding the most impressive house that I have ever been inside. It was built for hospitality in the grand Southern tradition and the folk that live there, Sharron and Butch, are just about the finest examples of generous, thoughtful hosts that anyone could find anywhere.
I will post up the pictures of our trip as soon as i find the camera and I am afraid that words do not do justice to the place. Woods, a lake, a large cedar cabin style house with a massive veranda, humming birds whizzing round like feathered green bullets, gentle warmth, soft hum of voices in that delightful drawl and me getting high on bbq, crochet and the green smell of cedar.
I went in the lake, which if you knew me you would know how uncharacteristic that is of me, not a water person really, but it was an opportunity that will not come my way again for a very long time. Paddled round in a big inner tube while V took the girls sailing on a little boat. Lily in particular loved that lake and stayed in for about an hour. It was such a joy for me to see my kids rambling around outdoors, getting wet, getting dirty, getting clean again, stuffing bbq, getting in the lake again, paddling, playing in the sand, chasing tree frogs. What an amazing place, an amazing time altogether really.
Thanks America, we had a ball.