Oh, what a lovely day. Steph, Sara and I went to Bath. We'd planned it ages ago and then mostly forgot about it until we turned the April page in our calendars over and there it was - Bath. And what was most amazing was that though several things cropped up to impede, nothing was allowed to force us to cancel.
So rather to my surprise we were on the M4 east at a fair time. The journey was easy peasy and there was loads of space in the park and ride. Stress free, fab!
We got into town just before twelve and immediately decided on lunch in Cafe Rouge. What I had envisaged to be a quick snack before some serious shopping turned into almost two hours of hilarity as we enjoyed particularly good steak, which even impressed the Texan among us, and sublime deserts (apricot tart, something in chocolate and a crepe) which required twenty minutes all to themselves. Sara had her first taste of espresso and her shocked, shuddering reaction caused me to almost have an asthma attack laughing. Oh and the very young French waiter was very pretty too. Not for the first time that day we were reduced to the level of giggling adolesents. Such fun considering that between us we have three handsome husbands and eight gorgeous children.
Eschewing the liquers as rather heavy for an afternoon we headed off to Monsoon to get Stephanie's posh frock for an upcoming glittery wedding in London and for me it was one of the most fun parts of the day. Steph is beautiful, tall, size 10, long hair, just the right amount of tan, a fabulous figure and possessing a natural athletic grace probably from those excellent cowboy genetics. Combine this with the most genuine compassion for others and the sweetest heart I have ever encountered and it is impossible to feel anything but pleasure in her blessings. It was fantastic to pick out these outfits and she'd try them on so patiently. So with mine and Sara's help we got her the entire outfit, from hat to jewellrey and simply stunning coral shift dress.
From there to the spa. Oh my gosh. I felt very provincial - which let's face it is what I am - when we went in. I've never been to a spa before. Words almost fail me. A rooftop pool that was as

We'd missed the rush hour and driving back into the slowly setting sun was easy watching the sky turn lazily through rose to turquoise. A day to treasure, which is why I wrote so much.
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