Sounds awful doesn't it? Like some sort of digusting disease that sheep invent, but no. Honestly, what a place the Guild is. Just as I get the hang of spinning and accustom myself to this terrible addiction, then I discover blogging about it which has its own peculiar charm, especially considering that no one reads this! And then I go to a dry felting workshop, completely unexpectedly as it turns out, and find yet more fibrous fun to fiddle with. I tell you only a heroin addict gets more fun from a needle than I do at the moment. Yuk. Bad taste or wot? (Never mind the hour is late and its staying in.) Get some merino top, jab it with a felting needle, keep yer fingers out the way and the world's your bowl of Uncle Robert.
So far I've done numerous flowers in varying colours and levels of success,

one Xmas tree, several Xmas puddings,

a mutant cat and a rodent of some kind that might be either a squirrel or a chipmunk if I could figure out what either one looked like.

Oh I've also done the Geoff Capes of the robin world. This lad is BIG... for a robin that is.
(Neither he, the xmas tree nor the mutant cat lasted long, they might have been big but not tough enough to stand up to Lily)
Totally unconnected but interesting enough to consider before going to sleep: What would you prefer, the ability to fly or the ability to time travel?
Just when I think I've reached a preference, the other one waves at me seductively. I really can't decide.
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