Went to see the new Bond and it needed a bit of thought which is odd for an action film... not usually thought provoking are they? So the new boy was better than good and he had a lovely pair of shoulders and the he fell for the bird real hard so why, when she has the love of this avenging angel of a man, didn't she fight to keep it? The characters were so good, that flaw really jagged out. Who on earth, when they are loved like that chooses not to accept their blessings?
And it was this that got me thinking. Name your favourite story, and I bet it has a hero or a heroine in it that does some rescuing, be it Lancelot, the Handsome prince, the guy in Die Hard or who ever. And the tragedies are when the hero fails in some way. Hamlet dies, Godot never turns up, Giselle's prince betrays her. But we all want a hero, we want to be rescued in some way, the love that saves us. Where are we when we turn our back on that? Not a good place, that's for certain.
Of course when blue eyed Bond and his bird were in Montenegro, or sailing to Venice there was no hint that he didn't put his socks in the laundry basket or didn't clean the basin after his shave
I bet they never ran out of loo roll and he always made her a cup of tea in the morning. Yeah.
I dunno, maybe these last few days I could have done with a private yacht and a private beach. I guess I'm lucky I've got the hero even if life's other little necessaries are yet to come!
And it was this that got me thinking. Name your favourite story, and I bet it has a hero or a heroine in it that does some rescuing, be it Lancelot, the Handsome prince, the guy in Die Hard or who ever. And the tragedies are when the hero fails in some way. Hamlet dies, Godot never turns up, Giselle's prince betrays her. But we all want a hero, we want to be rescued in some way, the love that saves us. Where are we when we turn our back on that? Not a good place, that's for certain.
Of course when blue eyed Bond and his bird were in Montenegro, or sailing to Venice there was no hint that he didn't put his socks in the laundry basket or didn't clean the basin after his shave
I bet they never ran out of loo roll and he always made her a cup of tea in the morning. Yeah.
I dunno, maybe these last few days I could have done with a private yacht and a private beach. I guess I'm lucky I've got the hero even if life's other little necessaries are yet to come!