I have a beautiful bruise on my left fore arm. It is special cos it has a name - the archers kiss. Yup, I got it from the bow string as I held V's bow incorrectly. Not pretty. If I had the camera I would take a pic but there we are. So I have made a brace out of some sheep leather and I did it in record time too.
As I said, the crafting has dropped off dramatically due to the amount of reading I am doing just lately. I need to get some audio books really and then things might balance out more. I can't spend all my spare time reading...the girls need new winter dresses. The problem with audio books is that sometimes the narrator's accent is so annoying that it detracts from the text. I would love to record one myself but I really don't think that I have the time to give over to it. I think I will just have to put up with it and buy Twilight spoken in an annoying southern twang.
Twilight is my saga of choice these days. I am seriously addicted to it...one of the reasons for this being that the leading man is just so very beautiful.
As I said, the crafting has dropped off dramatically due to the amount of reading I am doing just lately. I need to get some audio books really and then things might balance out more. I can't spend all my spare time reading...the girls need new winter dresses. The problem with audio books is that sometimes the narrator's accent is so annoying that it detracts from the text. I would love to record one myself but I really don't think that I have the time to give over to it. I think I will just have to put up with it and buy Twilight spoken in an annoying southern twang.
Twilight is my saga of choice these days. I am seriously addicted to it...one of the reasons for this being that the leading man is just so very beautiful.