Friday, September 12, 2008

All Good Things

There is no doubt that my life has changed just lately. My dear V, who has a talent for this sort of thing, said at the start of this year that this would be a year of endings and beginnings .
And here I am at both.

I started this blog to keep a record of my spinning/ craft activities and gradually it evolved to be a record of all sorts of things. Which was great, but just lately it has felt rather more of an obligation than it should.

So, I am drawing this little adventure to a close. But I have made quite a few friendships that I would not ordinarily have made - crafters, artists and writers all - and I do not want to let you go. So I have made a new place, a place I can go without all the daft restrictions I have placed upon myself. There may be crafting, there maybe not - who knows? I am venturing off the beaten path once more. You are very welcome to come along for the ride...

Here be Dragons

Sunday, September 07, 2008

What to Do?

So the kidlings have been back in school for almost a week, I have tidied my house back to its usual background level of clutter rather than the chaos the Summer holidays had turned it into. But here's the thing..I have no desire to do anything crafty what so ever.

Not beads, not silk painting, not dying, sewing, embroidery not even spinning. I have no idea why. And what is worse, I have no desire to try something new. Paper making, enamelling, pottery for instance. It is rather unnerving, this is just not me. Perhaps I need a day trip to a really good craft suppliers. Or attend a workshop somewhere. I am mystified.
So, all you crafters and artists out there - What do you do when the mojo has gone?

but wait - here is something to cheer me up

The Sheriff has awarded me this, which is just so cool and I get to pass it on too. Here are the rules...
The rules are
1: Post the award on your blog.
2: Add a link to the person who award you.
3: Nominate at least 4 others.
4: Leave a comment on their blog so they can pass it on.

  • Kati at Dragonfly's Musings. Ever wondered what it must be like to live in the Arctic? And what is more, to grow your own veg in a place that has permafrost? Here's the girl to tell you.
  • The Ginger Darlings, three cats over in Pembrokeshire take you into their world of magic and poetry
  • Alice at The Magpie Files. Alice has had to take a break from blogging just lately but you can still go over and browse.
  • Jasfoup at Diary of a Demon. This is a work of fiction in progress and I find the daily adventures of "a rising star in the underworld" thoroughly engrossing.
Hope you have fun investigating that little lot. I will probably be off line for a few days. See you soon m'dears.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Who?

Politics do not interest me, liars and worthless creatures to a ...creature is I think the politest way of putting it. A necessary evil however seeing as the alternative is anarchy. I vote because men and women died to give us the choice but otherwise I think voting for politicians just encourages the little blighters. With that in mind I have noticed a fair amount of chat on the blogs about a certain Sarah Palin. I had to google her but it turns out that she is the republican nod to the girl vote although she sounds alarming enough to make Thatcher* pee herself.

To say I am unmoved by the American presidential shennanigins would be understating the case (unless it was to say that it might be nice to not have Mr Obama's Blair-like grin in every supplement that the Times produces) but I can appreciate a creative insult as much as the next Brit. And this site Sarah Palin - Little known Facts is crammed full of the most well turned one liners I have heard since Saki. Do check it out, but if you don't then here are just a few of my favourites.

  • As head of Alaska’s Nat’l Guard, Sarah Palin taught troops in a training exercise to scare a grenade into not exploding.
  • Sarah Palin believes in change, too. She takes it from your pockets after striking you dead.
  • Jesus has a bracelet that says, “WWSPD?”
  • Sarah Palin’s finishing move in the VP debate will be pulling Biden’s still beating heart from his chest & taking a bite.
and my favourite of all
  • Sarah Palin doesn’t need a gun to hunt. She has been known to throw a bullet through an adult bull elk.
Fun or wot? Perhaps they are a little heavy handed but there are more subtle ones there too.

While I am on the subject - If political pugilism is your cup of tea then I direct you to the exchanges between Winston Churchill and Aneurin Bevan. Alas Churchill always seemed to win these as Bevan's Welsh temper got frazzled far too easily and too many of his shots went wide. Neu did manage to get a few good punches in though but I suppose if Winnie was not scared of Hitler then not even a Valleys Man would have fazed him.

*Don't get me started on Thatcher. I can wax very lyrical on Thatcher - suffice to say she was a demon sent from Hell to destroy this country and you will have about the mildest thing I have to say about her.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Slipping Through My Fingers

It is funny, I am writing this just about smothered in sleeping daughters. We are all stuffed into my bed and there is hardly any room for me to move my arm so that I can tap the key board. I am missing V so badly I am starting to annoy myself. And now that that window of the mind is opened, I find I am missing all sorts of people that I have lost touch with. I am missing Steph, I miss Tom, I miss Jo, but the weirdest thing of all is that I find I am missing Rose. She is zonked out right beside me! She goes back to school in a few days, her sisters are going full time too for the first time. I may be an unnatural mother but I will be glad for the break, so why am I sad too? It seems that my life has been a succession of learning to love things and then letting them go. It stinks sometimes.

Anyway, that's just me being low. September always does me in like that, Autumn in general really. I just don't like to see the leaves dying. It makes me feel morbid.

So... I think I will go and pop Brief Encounter on the DVD and snag some chocolate. A good howl will probably do me the world of good and everything will be better in the morning.

Sleep well m'dears